Unlock the Transformative Power of Your Breath with Gary Kraftsow’s Prāṇāyāma Course

Sacred breathwork to elevate your health & consciousness

Each breath you take holds profound potential to transform your life. The ancient Indian practice of prāṇāyāma, the science of breathwork, provides a path to harness this power.

Gary Kraftsow, renowned yoga master and founder of the American Viniyoga Institute, offers a rare opportunity to learn the authentic teachings of this tradition in his new online course.

The Breath: A Bridge Between Mind and Body

As part of the autonomic nervous system, your breath acts as a bridge between your conscious and unconscious self. By learning to work with the breath intentionally through prāṇāyāma, you can harmonize your physiology, psychology, emotions, and spiritual connection.

Different breath patterns produce different effects that can help transform stress, illness, depression and disconnection into vitality, calm, clarity and a deeper sense of meaning.

In my own journey, conscious breathing has been an anchor in turbulent times…

Prāṇāyāma: The Lost Art of Conscious Breathing

While breathing practices are common in modern yoga, the authentic multidimensional teachings of prāṇāyāma are rarely accessible in the West today.

Gary was initiated into these ancient lineages by his renowned teachers T.K.V Desikachar and Tirumalai Krishnamacharya while studying in India as a youth.

He has over 50 years of experience integrating these teachings into a comprehensive approach for health, healing and personal growth.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • The relationships between breathing, chanting, and meditation
  • How to control the breath to produce specific effects
  • The power of the “threshold breath” for wellbeing
  • And much more

Awakening Through the Breath

More than just a physical technique, prāṇāyāma is a profound system to elevate your consciousness. By syncronizing breath with intention, you can access subtler dimensions of your being and attune to deeper currents of energy and awareness.

Gary’s teachings illuminate this holistic vision of how breath awareness can open you to greater possibilities of who you can become.

I’m reminded of the poetry of Rumi: “There is a breath inside the breath…” This symbolic language hints at the vast inner landscape awaiting your exploration.

Course Details:

  • Course Length: 7 weeks + all recordings
  • Program Cost: Reveal a Promo Offer
  • Mode of Delivery: Live video sessions


If you’re seeking an integrated path of healing, awakening and self-mastery, I can’t recommend Gary Kraftsow’s Prāṇāyāma course highly enough.

By bringing this ancient oral tradition to modern students, he offers a precious gift – the ability to fully inhabit your breath as a vehicle for transforming your health, consciousness and very life.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity! Click here to learn more and reserve your spot.

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