The Call of Compassion: Charting a Path to Wholeness

Discover a deeper definition of compassion

As humanity stands at a crossroads, a guiding light emerges to illuminate the way forward. Renowned spiritual pioneer and esteemed author Matthew Fox invites us to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and global healing through the unifying force of compassion.

An Initiation into a New Way of Being

In a time rife with turmoil, division, and the desecration of our sacred Earth, compassion may well be the saving grace we so desperately seek.

Through the mystical teachings of Meister Eckhart and other luminaries, Matthew Fox reveals how compassion is not merely a fleeting sentiment, but the very essence of the Divine that dwells within each of us.

By cultivating compassion as a state of being, we can free ourselves from the shackles of judgment, isolation, and despair that pervade our world.

We are all interconnected, sharing this human journey upon a planet in peril. It is only through an awakening of our noble, compassionate nature that we can begin to heal the rifts that separate us and restore balance to our world.

Reclaiming Our Birthright

In this empowering program, Matthew will guide you on an inner pilgrimage to reclaim your birthright as a compassionate being.

Through powerful experiential exercises, including the Indigenous story of the two wolves, a meditation on Hildegard of Bingen’s visionary artwork, and a breathing practice from Thich Nhat Hanh, you will learn to embody presence and awaken the gift of compassion that resides within.

You will explore why compassion is not merely a virtue, but a vital necessity for our survival as individuals and as a species.

For it takes great strength to meet cruelty with compassion, and true compassion demands a response to injustice – not with apathy, but with a righteous call to action rooted in love.

Matthew’s teachings will reveal the transformative power of forgiveness as an act of self-compassion, the pathway to lasting inner peace.

And you will discover how to live as a spiritual warrior, grounded in the present moment without the burdens of fear or regret.


In this pivotal time, we are called to shed the illusions that separate us and embrace the truth of our interconnectedness.

By answering the call of compassion, we can transform ourselves and our world, ushering in a new era of peace, justice, and reverence for all life.

Are you ready to step into your noble, compassionate self and become a force for positive change?

Join Matthew Fox on this transformative journey and learn how to embody the wisdom and courage that will guide humanity into a thriving future.

Visit his website to reserve your spot for this powerful free video event and be among the first to hear about Matthew’s upcoming live video course on cultivating compassion as a way of being.

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