Unlocking the Hidden Wisdom of Jesus: A Life-Changing Journey Through Aramaic Chants and Meditations

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus’ teachings, unfiltered by centuries of mistranslation and dogma? Look no further than this extraordinary offering from Neil Douglas-Klotz, a world-renowned expert on Middle Eastern spirituality and ancient Semitic languages.

In this transformative 7-week journey, you’ll be guided to experience the essence of Jesus’ message through the power of Aramaic chants and meditations. Prepare to be transported back in time, hearing the very words and vibrations that Jesus shared with his followers nearly 2,000 years ago.

Rediscovering the Essence of Jesus’ Teachings

For over four decades, Neil has devoted himself to uncovering the original meanings behind Jesus’ parables, prayers, and teachings. His pioneering research reveals a radical departure from the sin, guilt, and dogma that have become associated with organized religion.

Instead of preaching blind faith and obedience, Jesus embodied a holistic spirituality rooted in self-empowerment, unity with the Divine, and reverence for all life. As you immerse yourself in the sacred sounds of Aramaic, you’ll connect with the profound interconnectedness that defined the worldview of Jesus’ era.

Unifying Path to Love and Freedom

At the heart of this course lies a transcendent truth – we all partake in a larger sense of Self and a vaster universe than our modern minds can fathom. Jesus wasn’t instructing us to have faith in him, but to cultivate the same depth of trust that he exemplified.

Through Neil’s masterful guidance, you’ll learn to release the alienation that plagues our hyper-individualistic society. In its place, you’ll discover a unifying path of love, freedom, and belonging that dissolves the boundaries between humanity, nature, and the Divine.

Transformative Practices for Modern Life

While rooted in ancient wisdom, this course offers potent practices to address the unique challenges we face today. Each week, you’ll explore a line from the Lord’s Prayer (or Yeshua’s Prayer) through chants, meditations, healing breathwork, and body awareness exercises.

These soul-stirring practices hold the power to liberate you from fear, trauma, and limiting beliefs. You’ll find solace in the humane, compassionate solutions that Jesus embodied – solutions that remain as relevant today as they were 2,000 years ago.

Woven throughout the lessons are Neil’s personal anecdotes and poetic insights, reminding us of the sacred wonder pulsing through all existence. Whether you’re a life-long Christian, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone drawn to the magnetic presence of the Aramaic Jesus, this course will awaken you to new depths of belonging, purpose, and inner freedom.


This powerful course promises a profound transformation, guiding you to heal from past traumas, overcome feelings of separation, and unlock your soul’s true purpose. By chanting and meditating with the original Aramaic words of Jesus, you’ll connect with the deep spirituality and liberation at the heart of his teachings. Expect to find trust in your larger Self, expand your perspective, and bring more joy into your life. To learn more and reserve your spot, visit his course webpage.

So join Neil on this breathtaking journey, and allow the seminal teachings of Jesus to illuminate your path with revelatory clarity. By attuning to the vibrational essence of his words, you’ll experience a homecoming to the divine unity that has been awaiting your embrace all along.

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