The Alta Major Chakra: A Portal to Intuition, Healing and Awakening

Discover how to prime your nervous system to receive higher guidance

In our perpetual journey of growth, healing and conscious evolution, we are continually invited to explore new gateways that can unlock dormant potentials and reveal deeper layers of our multidimensional selves. The teachings of the late Rev. Tiffany Barsotti, PhD offer one such profoundly transformative pathway through understanding the alta major chakra.

An acclaimed medical intuitive and pioneering researcher in biofield science, Rev. Barsotti devoted her life’s work to bridging the spiritual and physical domains. Her discoveries around the alta major chakra, also known as the “mouth of God,” provide a powerful map for accessing higher guidance, fostering our intuitive abilities, and catalyzing holistic healing on all levels of our being.

Exploring the Alta Major Chakra as a Gateway to Higher Consciousness

While the seven main chakras are widely known, the alta major represents a crucial yet oft-overlooked portal within our subtle energetic anatomy. Residing at the base of the skull, this minor chakra plays an immense role as the gateway to divine wisdom and our innate intuitive capacities.

As Rev. Barsotti illuminated through her research, the alta major functions as part of a greater nexus with the vagus nerve and reticular activating system to create a “triad of inner knowing.” By consciously working with and awakening this triad, we can profoundly shift into states of heightened wellbeing and an embodied experience of multidimensional consciousness.

In this vein, Tiffany’s teachings guide us to realize that opening the third eye involves far more than simply activating the pineal gland. The alta major provides a higher octave doorway to perception beyond the physical senses and a bridge to our infinitely creative source essence.

Awakening Your Creative-Will Centers and True Essence

One of the core purposes of engaging the alta major is to liberate the flow of vital life force and awaken the creative-will centers within our subtle body system. These centers, comprising the sacral, solar plexus and throat chakras, are paramount for grounding our souls’ highest visions into tangible reality through the vessel of our human form.

By learning to work with the alta major in harmony with these will centers, we can clear stagnant energies and impediments that may be obstructing the full radiance of our authentic self-expression. In doing so, we kindle an unshakable connection to our deepest essence – that unique frequency encoded within each of us.

From this place of realignment and inner resonance, we can more fully embody our inherent gifts, intuitive capacities and soul’s purpose. Our actions, relationships, art, work and every aspect of our lives become vibrantly imbued with the sacred qualities we were born to unveil.

Discovering Your Triad of Inner Knowing for Greater Wellbeing

At the heart of Rev. Barsotti’s teachings resides a central truth: that our physical anatomy holds the profound codes and blueprints for actualizing our highest human potential. By attuning to the triad of the alta major, vagus nerve and reticular activating system, we can transition into newfound levels of spiritual embodiment and holistic wellbeing.

The vagus nerve is recognized as a fundamental component of our healing capacities, with its pathways intricately linked to respiration, cardiac function and our innate ability to rest, digest and restore. Meanwhile, the reticular activating system governs our levels of consciousness and attention.

In uniting and balancing this triumvirate under the guidance of the alta major, we begin to harmonize our spiritual, emotional and physical strata into an integrative dance of wholeness. We access expanded mind-states and become more present, grounded and attuned to the infinite intelligences pervading our bodies and the natural world.

From this awakened axis point, we can more fluidly receive higher guidance, nurture our overall health, and experience the profound sense of belonging that arises from living as a full participant on the web of life.

  • Course Length: 7 Module Video Course
  • Program Cost: Flexible pricing options
  • Mode of Delivery: On-demand video learning


We are gifted potent tools for conscious evolution and psycho-spiritual unfoldment by exploring the revelations of the alta major chakra. We are reminded that we are not separate from the wellsprings of wisdom that imbue all creation, but that the portals to these realms exist within our very physiology.

The foundational truth shared by Rev. Barsotti’s legacy is that we carry the blueprints for radical self-healing, intuitive awakening and the full embodiment of our soul’s essence. By uniting our spiritual consciousness with our human form through disciplined practice, we can shed all that inhibits our divine radiance and rebirth into a new octave of lived freedom, natural clarity and sacred presence.

If you feel called to explore this holistic, multidimensional pathway of growth through the secret teachings of the alta major chakra, I wholeheartedly encourage you to visit her website and learn more about this transformative offering. May we each awaken into the expanded possibilities waiting to unfurl within.

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