The Ancient Wisdom of Shamanic Journeying

For over 100,000 years, shamans across the globe have harnessed the power of journeying into non-ordinary realms of consciousness. In these mystical dimensions, they gain extraordinary insights to treat illness, avoid misfortune, resolve ancestral issues, and chart an auspicious path forward.

The shamanic journey is a profound technology for expansion of awareness and unlocking our deepest human potential. Sandra Ingerman, a respected teacher of shamanism, invites you to explore this ancient spiritual practice.

Through guided journeys, you can consciously traverse the unseen worlds and receive accurate guidance from benevolent spirit allies. Once learned, this skill remains available whenever you need counsel on any aspect of your life.

In my own spiritual journey, I was first drawn to shamanic practices by a deep thirst for meaning and connection. The modern world can feel disconnected from the rhythms of nature and the metaphysical mysteries. Shamanism offered a bridge into the sacred anew.

Through journeying, I have received insights that helped me navigate challenging transitions with more grace. The practice cultivates a felt sense of being supported by the universe itself.

Connecting with Spirit Guides and Intuitive Gifts

A key aspect of shamanic journeying is contacting compassionate, wise spirits who act as teachers and benefactors.

Just as students around the world might seek out a mentor, we too can receive personalized instruction from beings intimately attuned to our soul’s journey. As you hone this skill, you open the doors to your own innate intuitive abilities.

The journeys help you discern the subtle whisperings of spiritual guidance amidst the clamor of everyday life. You begin operating from an expanded state of consciousness, more closely aligned with the unfolding will of the universe.

I have found tapping into this subtle field of awareness brings a sense of deeper belonging and intrinsic creativity. Solutions which eluded my analytical mind become self-evident.

I am more poised and increasingly make choices from a place of centeredness rather than reactivity.

Shamanism as a Pathway to Healing and Transformation

At its core, the shamanic path is one of wholeness – restoring balance, harmony, and connection within yourself, your lineage, and the web of all life.

Shamans view illness and discord as symptomatic of fragmentation and energetic distortions. Their ceremonial practices realign and re-integrate dispersed energies, facilitating profound healing on all levels of being.

Sandra shares powerful methods for transformation, including the soul retrieval process of re-integrating lost aspects of your vital essence.

As you journey, you’ll experience the remergence of your authentic self, freed from limiting identities and conditioning. A sense of peace, purpose and personal empowerment naturally arises.

On a collective level, shamanic work can help remediate pollution, environmental destruction, and frayed social ties. We are all being called to rebirth a sacred relationship with our Earth home and each other.

Shamanic practices can be potent agents of positive change. In my own life, I have found immense healing through these teachings.

Stuck patterns, trauma, and self-sabotaging beliefs have transformed. I feel more vibrantly alive and intrinsically motivated to be of service. My connection with all beings has deepened through the experience of our underlying unity.


The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying offers a portal into an ancient, earth-honoring tradition for awakening your spiritual gifts and achieving personal and collective wholeness. Whether you are drawn to explore the leading edge of human potential or seeking alternative modalities for healing, this free online event can be a powerful initiatory experience.

Ultimately, shamanic journeying is about reclaiming your sovereignty as a sacred human being interwoven within the magnificent, cosmic web of life.

It is an invitation to step into your dharma as a steward of conscious evolution. I invite you to join Sandra Ingerman and discover how shamanic practices can empower you to manifest wisdom, healing and positive change in your life and our world.

Visit the course page to reserve your spot for this Virtual Journeying today!

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