Unlock Your Energetic Mastery: Transmuting Disruptive Energies with Bioenergetic Medicine

The Power to Co-Create Your Life

In the midst of life’s uncertainties and challenges, a profound truth emerges – we are not mere observers but active co-creators of our reality. Yet, to fully embody this empowering realization, we must awaken to our true identity as multidimensional, energetic beings, capable of harnessing the transformative power of our life force energy.

“Your energy – whether stirred by feelings you label good or bad – is the source-fuel that powers and shapes your life.” – Dr. Sue Morter

At the vanguard of this transformative journey is Dr. Sue Morter, a pioneering visionary in bioenergetic medicine, who guides us to tap into our raw energetic potential and manifest the lives we truly desire.

The Bioenergetic Sage: Dr. Sue Morter

With over four decades of research and practice in the realms of human biofield and higher-level energy systems, Dr. Sue Morter has dedicated her life to illuminating the profound connection between quantum science and energy medicine. As founder of the globally taught Energy Codes® coursework, she has empowered tens of thousands to embody their full human potential and live from their true, soulful selves.

Through her bestselling books, seminars, and presentations, Dr. Sue offers a spiritually grounded approach to tapping into the deeper currents of energy that can shift any aspect of our lives – physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Mastering the Energetic Symphony

In this transformative online event, Dr. Sue guides us to transmute disruptive energies and emotions, liberating ourselves from limiting stories and embodying our role as empowered co-creators of our reality. Through powerful techniques and insights, we discover how to work with the very emotional states we’ve been avoiding, transmuting them into waves of grace and creativity that support our healing, growth, and manifestation.

Table of Contents

  1. Awakening to Your Energetic Essence
  • Challenge the belief that you’re just a three-dimensional being and rise into your true identity as a multidimensional, energetic co-creator
  • Discover how to release “the story” that keeps you stuck in limitations and open yourself to new possibilities and rebirth
  • Free up the energy supporting limited versions of yourself and direct it towards manifesting a harmonious, empowered life
  1. Embodying the Energy Codes®
  • Understand how moving your energy is the key to healing imbalances and dis-ease in the body, as validated by ancient healing modalities and modern science
  • Experience a breathing practice to tap into your emotions, move their energy, and cultivate sustainable wellbeing
  • Learn a bioenergetic body positioning practice that resets the nervous system and integrates the breathwork into your neurocircuitry
  1. Transcending Chaos and Disruptive Energies
  • Discover how to interpret even the most challenging situations as opportunities for growth and empowerment
  • Increase your health, vitality, and power by working with the emotional states you’ve been avoiding
  • Access your true intuitive guidance and claim your role as a conscious co-creator of your life

  • Course Length: Details provided on the course page
  • Investment: Pricing information available on the course page
  • Mode of Delivery: Live video sessions with Dr. Sue Morter


Through Dr. Sue’s guidance, we embark on a profound journey of energetic mastery, transcending the limitations of our disruptive emotions and stories to reclaim our power as co-creators of our reality. By embodying the transformative principles of the Energy Codes®, we unlock the keys to sustainable wellbeing, manifesting our desired reality, and living from our true, soulful essence.

Embrace this extraordinary opportunity to awaken your energetic potential, transmute limiting patterns, and step into your highest expression as a conscious co-creator of your life. Visit the course page to learn more and join this life-changing exploration.

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